While Dr. Daniel Hauck's business direction and branding has changed, his services, quality and passion for helping patients hasn't. One of Dr. Hauck's greatest qualities is his ability to remember and build relationships with his patients.Dan graduated from the University of Nebraska and started Dentistry in Riverton in 2003. Apart from his passion for helping his patients, Dan loves archery, hunting, and fishing. He is also a family man and takes pride in raising his three beautiful children.
If you haven't been back to see Dr. Dan Hauck, give Arrow Mountain Dental a call and schedule an appointment, 307-856-3463. If you are looking for a Dentist who truly loves what they do and is passionate about helping people, consider Dr. Dan Hauck!
1224 E. Jackson|Riverton, WY 82501|Map & Directions
Call: (307) 856-3463